Being an Android Developer: Pros and Cons

Android application development is one of the most popular jobs in the IT labor market. Therefore, the story of mobile applications for Android is a trending direction in the labor market.

The Google Play Store releases about 3,000 new products every day. And this is a good reason to master the skills of a developer on a popular platform. Employment in this specialization is guaranteed, without a doubt.

These Specialists Are Always in Demand

The main qualities of such a specialist are analytical skills, critical thinking, and, of course, knowledge of what app development is. Moreover, you need to know the relevant programming languages:

  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • C/C++

However, that’s not all. Android developers also learn some additional skills and abilities, such as:

  • Ability to work with databases and related tools: XML/JSON/SQL/GIT.
  • Understanding of OOP/OOD/SOLID principles.
  • Knowledge of UI/UX principles and experience in customizing the user interface.

An Android developer must also have well-developed critical thinking and understand the basic principles of object-oriented programming.

And, of course, like anyone who is somehow connected with programming, an Android developer must know English at least at an Intermediate level.

What Functions Does an Android Developer Perform?

It is worth noting that the development of Android applications is a rather long and complicated process. And the specialist who develops such products performs several rather essential functions:

  • creation of application architecture;
  • designing the program interface;
  • writing program code;
  • program code testing;
  • downloading the program to the android store or website;
  • making changes, issuing updates;
  • analysis of user behavior to improve the program.

An Android developer can work for himself by creating apps and selling subscriptions to them through Google Play. Development does not require significant material investments, but a freelance programmer needs to understand marketing and design.

Pros and Cons of Android Development

Android development is a general, promising, and profitable direction. If you think app development is something you can be good at and want to make money on, feel free to try yourself in this direction. While the advantages of such a profession are:

  • High demand for Android specialists (which will continue to grow).
  • Decent pay (android developers can earn $1,500 per month on average).
  • Such a niche offers wide and varied opportunities (from the development of gaming apps to apps for TV, for example).

If we talk about the disadvantages of android development, it is worth mentioning the variety of devices running on the popular platform. On the one hand, this is great, but on the other hand, it is necessary to support the application for different models and screens.

Moreover, during the development process, you will have to create copies so that the interface looks harmonious on other gadgets, which is additional work.

Plus, Android has various versions because new ones are not updated on all devices. This is a significant inconvenience, and developers have to deal with the fact that new APIs are not supported on older versions. Read more.

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