Which plates to choose for different rooms?

More recently, the peak of fashion was large paving slabs, which all the time were crackled, broken and walking on which no pleasure caused any pleasure. But the fact that these times are gradually leaving the past, and today the bridge and sidewalks are everywhere laid out very elegant and multi -colored tiles, to walk along which one continuous pleasure. Pluses tile Keramin has a huge number. Firstly, the variety of colors and shapes allows you to collect whole compositions and ornate patterns that look so beautiful. Secondly, the materials from which this tile is made are so strong that in order to break or break such a tile, you need to make a lot of efforts. The third advantage of this tile is the simplicity of its calculation. You probably have seen more than once how quickly whole streets are laid out with such tiles, and how in a matter of days the gray and gloomy avenues turn into bright and sunny.

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